The FCF IPO Market Monitor is the most comprehensive analysis of European IPOs, providing relevant valuation metrics (e.g. ratios, multiples), general information and performance data of European IPOs that have been issued within the last twelve months such as:
- Multiple analysis
- Pricing and volume analysis
- Share price / Trading analysis
- Size segment analysis
- Valuations
- Advisory information
- Growth analysis
- Index performance
- Key IPO statistics
- Market volatility analysis
- Multiple Analysis
- Pricing and Volume Analysis
- Share Price / Trading Analysis
- Size Segment Analysis
- Valuations
- Advisory Information
- Growth Analysis
- Index Performance
- Key IPO Statistics
- Market Volatility Analysis

FCF prepares customized IPO studies upon request for topics such as:
- Comparison US vs. German IPO market
- Sector IPO analysis
- Impact study of different market phases / timing on IPO characteristics
- Size impact on IPO performance (micro vs. small vs. medium vs. large cap)
- Impact analysis of equity story and fundamental performance in IPO and post-IPO scenarios
Market Research
Bank Monitor
Analysis of the historic and current spreads of credit default swaps for banks most active in the German corporate lending market.
Valuation MonitorThe FCF Valuation Monitor is a comprehensive quarterly valuation analysis (e.g. ratios and multiples) for the German small / midcap market segment of selected industry sectors.
Credit MonitorComprehensive analysis of the interest rate environment and loan market for corporates in Germany.
Sector MonitorResearch on European listed companies from selected sectors (Automotive Suppliers, Construction Materials, Forestry, Paper & Packaging, Food & Beverages, Logistic & Transportation, Industrial Machinery, Pharma, Recycling, Software, TMT)

FCF Valuation Monitor – Q4 2024 published
FCF Fox Corporate Finance GmbH is delighted to publish the new “FCF Valuation Monitor – Q4 2024”. The FCF Valuation Monitor is a comprehensive valuation analysis for the German small / midcap market segment and

FCF Bank Monitor – Q3 2024 published
On a biannual basis, FCF publishes its FCF Bank-Monitor. The FCF Bank-Monitor is a research report, based on publicly available data, on the most active and largest 22 banking institutions addressing the German and Austrian

FCF Interest & Corporate Loan Monitor Q1/2024 published
FCF Fox Corporate Finance GmbH is pleased to publish the new “FCF Interest & Corporate Loan Monitor Q1/2024”. FCF regularly conducts comprehensive research regarding the German corporate loan and interest market, based on publically available

FCF Automotive Supplier Market Study – 2024 published
FCF Fox Corporate Finance GmbH is pleased to publish the new “FCF AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLIER MARKET STUDY – 04/2024”. Based on available data from European automotive suppliers, the FCF AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLIER MARKET STUDY is a detailed

FCF Bank Monitor – Q1 2024 published
On a quarterly basis, FCF publishes its FCF Bank Monitor. The FCF Bank-Monitor is a research report, based on publicly available data, on the most active and largest 22 banking institutions addressing the German and