FCF Pharmaceutical Market Study – 2022

FCF Fox Corporate Finance GmbH is delighted to publish the new “FCF Pharmaceutical Market Study – 2022”.

Based on available data from European pharmaceutical providers, the FCF Pharmaceutical Market Study is a detailed and comprehensive analysis of the pharmaceutical sector and especially addresses the European small- / midcap market segment.

Key findings of the FCF Pharmaceutical Market Study (October 2022):

  • Revenue is expected to increase by 5.5% from ’21 to ’22
  • EBITDA is expected to increase by 7.8% from ’21 to ’22
  • EBIT is expected to increase by 2.4% from ’21 to ’22
  • EV / EBITDA valuation multiple decreased significantly from 14.0x in ’21 to 10.9x LTM
  • Net leverage decreased from 1.6x in ’21 to 1.3x LTM
  • Interest cover ratio decreased from 61.8x in ’21 to 59.6x LTM
  • The number of Private Equity (PE) deals increased from 55 in ’20 to 67 in ’21 and M&A deal activity increased from 45 in ’20 to 53 in ‘21