The FCF Software Venture Capital Monitor – Europe is a monthly published overview focusing on the venture capital financing environment in the financial software, business/productivity software, entertainment software, educational software and other software related segments, displaying Venture capital financing trends in the European Software industry.

Key Findings of this FCF Software Venture Capital Monitor – Europe are:
- In 2022, overall Software funding has reached EUR 20,588m so far
- Top 5 Deals exceed EUR 480m each, largest transaction amounted to EUR 884m in (United Kingdom)
- Blackstone (United States) dominates the Top 5 Investors (by deal volume), followed by Insight Partners (United States) and Tiger Global Management (United States)
- Financial Software received 46% of the total investment volume
- Financial Software and Business/Productivity Software are the sectors with the largest Investment activity
Key Findings of this FCF LSoftware Venture Capital Monitor – Europe are:
- In 2022, overall Software funding has reached EUR 20,588m so far
- Top 5 Deals exceed EUR 480m each, largest transaction amounted to EUR 884m in (United Kingdom)
- Blackstone (United States) dominates the Top 5 Investors (by deal volume), followed by Insight Partners (United States) and Tiger Global Management (United States)
- Financial Software received 46% of the total investment volume
- Financial Software and Business/Productivity Software are the sectors with the largest Investment activity
Quoted in the Press

FCF Life Sciences in the Börse Online magazine | 19. April 2021
FCF Life Sciences in the Börse Online magazine | 19. April 2021 The Life Sciences team at FCF Fox Corporate Finance has recently published an analysis on Special Purpose Acquisition Companies (SPACs) with a focus on healthcare, among others, in the Börse Online magazine. The analysis includes the number and volume of healthcare SPAC IPOs to date, as well as the share price performance of healthcare companies already acquired by SPACs. FCF concludes that the companies’ stock prices have increased on average by 12% since the acquisition was announced. For more information, please check out the recently published FCF Life

FCF Life Sciences: Boom Bei Healthcare-SPACS Ungebrochen | GoingPublic 13.04.2021
Der Boom um Special Purpose Acquisition Companies, auch SPACs genannt, setzt sich 2021 ungebremst fort. Lag die Zahl der SPAC-Börsengänge im gesamten Jahr 2020 noch bei 306 SPAC-IPOs, liegt sie in den ersten drei Monaten dieses Jahres bereits bei 246. Von Dr. Mathias Schott und Alexander Kuhn „2021 wird das Jahr der SPACs. Gerade für kosten- und forschungsintensive Healthcare-Unternehmen bieten SPACs einen schnellen und effizienten Weg an die Börse und zu notwendiger Liquidität“, sagt Dr. Mathias Schott, Leiter von FCF Life Sciences. So steigt die Zahl der SPAC-Börsengänge mit Fokus auf den Healthcare-Bereich bereits jetzt sprunghaft an: Nach 78 IPOs

FCF Life Sciences in the Börse Online magazine | 19. April 2021
FCF Life Sciences in the Börse Online magazine | 19. April 2021 The Life Sciences team at FCF Fox Corporate Finance has recently published an analysis on Special Purpose Acquisition Companies (SPACs) with a focus

FCF Life Sciences: Boom Bei Healthcare-SPACS Ungebrochen | GoingPublic 13.04.2021
Der Boom um Special Purpose Acquisition Companies, auch SPACs genannt, setzt sich 2021 ungebremst fort. Lag die Zahl der SPAC-Börsengänge im gesamten Jahr 2020 noch bei 306 SPAC-IPOs, liegt sie in den ersten drei Monaten

FCF Life Sciences in the Börse Online magazine | 19. April 2021
FCF Life Sciences in the Börse Online magazine | 19. April 2021 The Life Sciences team at FCF Fox Corporate Finance has recently published an analysis on Special Purpose Acquisition Companies (SPACs) with a focus

FCF Life Sciences: Boom Bei Healthcare-SPACS Ungebrochen | GoingPublic 13.04.2021
Der Boom um Special Purpose Acquisition Companies, auch SPACs genannt, setzt sich 2021 ungebremst fort. Lag die Zahl der SPAC-Börsengänge im gesamten Jahr 2020 noch bei 306 SPAC-IPOs, liegt sie in den ersten drei Monaten
Capital Markets Research
Healthcare & Life Sciences Venture Capital Monitor – Europe
Monthly Venture capital activities in the European Life Sciences sector
Healthcare & Life Sciences Venture Capital Monitor – USAMonthly Venture capital activities in the US Life Sciences sector

FCF Healthcare & Life Sciences Venture Capital Monitor – Europe – 12/2024 published
FCF Fox Corporate Finance GmbH is delighted to publish the new “FCF Healthcare & Life Sciences Venture Capital Monitor – Europe 12/2024”. The Monitor is a monthly published overview of venture capital trends in the

FCF Healthcare & Life Sciences Venture Capital Monitor – USA – 12/2024 published
FCF Fox Corporate Finance GmbH is delighted to publish the new “FCF Healthcare & Life Sciences Venture Capital Monitor – USA – 12/2024”. The Monitor is a monthly published overview of venture capital trends in

FCF Healthcare & Life Sciences Venture Capital Monitor – USA – 11/2024 published
FCF Fox Corporate Finance GmbH is delighted to publish the new “FCF Healthcare & Life Sciences Venture Capital Monitor – USA – 11/2024”. The Monitor is a monthly published overview of venture capital trends in

FCF Healthcare & Life Sciences Venture Capital Monitor – Europe – 11/2024 published
FCF Fox Corporate Finance GmbH is delighted to publish the new “FCF Healthcare & Life Sciences Venture Capital Monitor – Europe 11/2024”. The Monitor is a monthly published overview of venture capital trends in the

FCF Healthcare & Life Sciences Venture Capital Monitor – Europe – 10/2024 published
FCF Fox Corporate Finance GmbH is delighted to publish the new “FCF Healthcare & Life Sciences Venture Capital Monitor – Europe 10/2024”. The Monitor is a monthly published overview of venture capital trends in the