FCF Fox Corporate Finance GmbH is delighted to publish the new “FCF Recycling Services Market Study – 2023”.
Based on available data from European recycling services companies, the FCF Recycling Services Market Study is a detailed and comprehensive analysis of the recycling services sector and especially addresses the European small- / midcap market segment.
Key findings of the FCF Recycling Services Market Study (April 2023):
- Revenue is expected to increase by 8.7% from ’21 to ’22
- EBITDA is expected to increase by 32.4% from ’21 to ’22
- EBIT is expected to increase by 20.8% from ’21 to ’22
- EV / EBITDA valuation multiple decreased from 8.9x in ’21 to 8.3x LTM
- Net leverage decreased from 2.6x in ’21 to 2.2x LTM
- Interest cover ratio increased from 23.7x in ’21 to 26.5x LTM
- The number of Private Equity (PE) deals increased from 41 in ’21 to 45 in ’22 and M&A deal activity increased from 44 in ’21 to 58 in ’22
To access the full report, please click here.
By Kai Frömert, Marcel Lange, Tristan Blümli, Marco Buonafede, Yasmin Herrmann und Florian Hoch